
CHANGE OF VENUE for August 12th - Newly  Admitted Students Lunch Reception 

A Quick Reminder: The Harvard Club of South Carolina will be hosting a casual lunch reception for admitted students, their guardians, current students, and alumni in South Carolina.

This event will be an excellent opportunity to answer questions about life at Harvard and mingle with fellow classmates and Harvard alumni. 



Saturday, August 12th, 2023 at 12 noon

Updated location: Capital City Club - Columbia, 1201 Main St, Suite 2500, Columbia, SC 29201,  +1 (803) 256-2000


Registration for this event is required, RSVP by Friday, August 4th, to ensure we have enough space, refreshments, and light fare for all those in attendance. Please email harvardclubofsc@gmail.com for the registration form.


For questions, please reach out to The Harvard Club of South Carolina, Vice President - Midlands: Rich Linden harvardclubofsc@gmail.com.


We look forward to seeing you on August 12th!


The Harvard Club of South Carolina Board: President - Amy Salzhauer, 91 Vice President - Lowcountry: George Gatgounis Vice President - Midlands: Rich Linden Vice President - Upstate: Joy Fuller Secretary - Erin Stevens Treasurer - John Marcoux Harvard Club of South Carolina